Bobath-Concept: Neuro Developmental Treatment (NDT) for children
The Bobath-Concept is a problem-solving method in the medical finding and treatment of babies, children and adults with neurological disorders.
The concept is particularly used in the treatment of babies and children with cerebral disorders of movement, sensorimotor disorders and neuromuscular disorders as e.g. intracerebral bleedings, encephalitis, brain tumor, traumatic brain injury, disorders of the spinal cord and peripheral nerve damages.
The treatments concern both the so called levels of participation and of structure (ICF and ICFey).
The aims are:
- Initiation of physiological motion
- Increase of proprioception: avoidance of so called "neglect"
- Tonus regulation: avoidance of spasticity
- Neurology
- Increase of the wellbeing of the client: pain relief
A basis of the Bobath-Concept is the theory of the plasticity of the brain according to which healthy brain areas can – by neurological netting – take over the tasks of injured brain areas.
By consequent training and stimulation the learning process can be initiated and supported purposefully.
Ideally, the concept is used by physical therapists, occupational therapists and speech therapists on one hand and by medical doctors and nurses on the other hand in collaboration.

Historical facts about the Bobath-Concept
"Movement is actually not taught. Rather the feeling for movement shall be taught, and this as close to everyday life as possible." Berta Bobath
The Bobath-Concept was developed as of 1943 by the physical therapist Berta Bobath and her husband, the neurologist and children’s doctor Karel Bobath. The Bobath-Concept is based on neurophysiological an neurological bases and is Oriented on the needs of the patient.
It was important to both Karel and Berta Bobath that their methods and techniques correspond always to the most recent neurological findings.